Sunday, March 12, 2006

Jihad and Islamism


Eurabia has reported on the threat to Spain, Denmark and Italy. All of these countries are targets for the Islamic extremists for a variety of reasons.

Denmark has become a target because of the publishing of cartoons that are alleged to be representing Mohammed. The reason that the cartoons were published in the first place, was not to make fun of Muslims, but to let them know that freedom of expression in Denmark is not going to be suppressed as a result of the efforts of the Islamists to silence all opposition. The cartoons were inoffensive, for I have seen and heard about cartoons that are much worse that have been published in student papers within Canada. The Danish government correctly, in my view, refused to intervene and to force a retraction and apology from the editor of the paper concerned. The stance in Denmark, that is a people who refuse to become Dhimmis and to appease the Islamists, is one that is strong, and I believe that we should all take the same attitude. The more we appease, the stronger they become, because in their eyes rolling over and being appeasers does not bring about respect for the other person.
Spain is a target because Islam continues to fight a war that ended in the 16th century when the Islamists were defeated and removed from Spain. Let us not forget that the Islamists have always been territorial and that they seek to take what does not belong to them - namely Spain.
The Spanish Inquisition happened for a reason. It was designed to flush out those who were giving financial support to the Islamists, as well as flushing out those Jews who were seeking power by pretending to have converted to Christianity.
Italy is a target because Rome is the seat of Christianity. The aim of the Islamists is to destroy the Vatican and to take over Italy. If they were successful in such an endeavour then they would have struck a serious blow to Christianity, thus subjecting the balance of the non-Muslim world to their form of domination. This is the true One World Order that we often hear mentioned but few understand its implications.

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