Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah and the culture of death

Once again Israel has decided that enough is enough, and that it is time to tell Hezbollah that they do not rule Lebanon. The crisis began when Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, whilst the Hamas also kidnapped an Israeli soldier on the Gaza strip. These actions have in turn been fuelled by the call to arms by none other than one of the most wicked men in the Middle East – the elected leader of Iran. It should be no surprise to learn that the kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers had followed a war conference in the Middle East where Iran was encouraging other Arab nations to go to war and remove Israel from the map.

Will the left wing in politics continue to keep their heads in the sand and will they continue to blame Israel for everything? Without a doubt most of us feel total disbelief as we heard about the bombing of the Beirut airport. We feel the pain of the families for the victims who have died in Lebanon. What I do not understand is why the press has not bothered to mention that Hezbollah not only hit the Israeli warship, but that they also sank an Egyptian boat at the same time. Has there been yet another cover up within the MSM?

No matter what our politics, we have to look at this situation from the point of view of Life and Death. Too many young lives are being lost because of the crisis in the Middle East. Too many lives have been lost in Iraq, and now Lebanon is under attack once again. Yes, Lebanon is under attack, but this did not need to happen. If the Lebanese government had not been sympathizing with Hezbollah, and had the government of Lebanon been strong enough to round up the Hezbollah terrorists, instead of turning a blind eye to those activities, then perhaps Israel might not have needed to use strong arm tactics. At least that is what I would like to believe.

However, there is another reality to analyse in this situation. Where did Hezbollah get the rockets and missiles that have been launched against Israel? The backers of both the Hezbollah and Hamas are of course, Syria and Iran. Yes, Iran. The finger is pointing directly at Iran. The madman who is currently the leader in Iran has been breathing fire against Israel. He has openly made threats against the state of Israel, and he continues to state that he wants to see Israel wiped off the map. It is only logical that under such threats that Israel would choose to use military might to bring Hezbollah under control.

The constant cry for war is wearisome to say the least. How can these people say that they are doing the will of God when all they do is kill people? The Hamas and Hezbollah are well entrenched members of the culture of death.


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