Monday, July 24, 2006

Age-old objections must not be allowed to delay this revolution - Opinion

Age-old objections must not be allowed to delay this revolution - Opinion

Bob Carr offers his somewhat erroneous opinions about why cloning and stem cell research should go ahead. It would seem that Mr. Carr is very much caught up with the bruaha that the use of embryonic stem cells for cloning and research is going to be the future panacea for all forms of illnesses.

However, Mr. Carr is very wrong in his opinions. What he does not seem to understand is that the future for research lies not with embryonic stems cells but with adult stem cell research. At the present time the embryonic stem cell research has not shown any form of promise. On the other hand, there is a problem with the growth of tumors in cells that have been developed in this way. The adult stem cell research, and the use of umbilical cord blood has been much more successful, and the future is with these forms of research.

We have no guarantee that scientists will be able to produce the cures for all sorts of disease. Sometimes we need to rely not upon science but upon God. Scientists tend to rely too much upon their own resources and they tend to negate the Creator. Embryonic stem cell research also negates the Creator.

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