Monday, September 04, 2006

The "Azzam" Threat: A prelude to Future Jihad in America

Counterterrorism Blog: The "Azzam" Threat: A prelude to Future Jihad in America

There has been a new twist in the fight against Jihad in America. Al Qaeda have introduced the Tokyo Rose of Jihad. His name is Adam Gadahn and he has made a vide in which he has issued the obligatory request for Americans to convert to Islam. This is a very serious threat and it cannot be underestimated as far as the wide ranging implications of this latest development.

Forget all the mushroom fodder about American and British foreign policy. That is only a pretext for furthering the Jihad movement without raising suspicion from the moonbats on the left wing side of politics, who are falling all over themselves in their own fight against the American President.

Walid Phares from the Counter-Terrorism blog has noted the following:

1. The hand behind the message: The message is indeed "American". The message is directed to the American and Canadian people at the hands of a traitor American.

2. Who is it destined to? It is basically addressed to those who will carry a "jihad in America", possibly asserting Adam Gahdan as their leader. This move has pierced the linguistic shield of America's media and reach US citizens directly, as a way to spread confusion amongst those who do not understand the real meaning of JIHAD.

3. The ideological platform: Al Qaeda's movement is world wide and in the United States is seeking total annihilation or conversion of the enemy: American and other democracies.

4. Argumentation tactics: the speech writer is appealing to all who hate Bush and Blair.

5. The enemies of Jihad: the speech writer names a number of intellecutal enemies including Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer. He praises the Dhimmi and brainless George Galloway.

There are some more troubling aspects to the message in relation to the claim that there are jihadists at work in the armed services. However, what is more typical in the message is that the west is to either convert to this facist Islam or face the fire.

There are journalists who remain steadfast enemies of western civilization. They are fools because they cannot see what they are doing in their zeal for the Islamic cause. They are dangerous and they are traitors to all of our western countries.

Islamic facism remains a culture of death. They care nothing for the lives of others which is the antitheis of the love of life that comes from being one with God who is LOVE and Mercy.

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